Cost Containment

Traditional GTM Strategies Are Costly And Ineffective In A Buyer-Centric World.


Traditional strategies create inefficiencies that result in slow growth and higher customer acquisition costs.

Shoehorning Traditional GTM in a Buyer-Centric World Is Extremely Costly.

People-Only Selling

Seller Technology

Gated Sales Process

Adding more people to your sales team does not move the needle on revenue generation. Sales leaders have report that 20% of the sales team delivers 80% of the revenue.

Omedym's buyer centric approach allows you to double-down on your best talent, enabling them  to punch through their productivity glass ceiling by scaling their engagement with potential customers. 

Seller-centric technology has become obsolete in today's buyer-led market. If fact, it's actually put an additional burden on sales reps, forcing them to manage technology rather then interact with customers, which has led to low adoption rates. You're paying millions for underutilized shelf ware.

Omedym is built specifically to be used by your buyers, acting as a digital teammate that lets sales reps get back to selling.

You spend a small fortune on getting potential customer to your website. Unfortunately, you push all of those potential customers to a gated product experience, where 90% abandon the process. The result is a staggering cost per lead.

Omedym allows your buyers to get to know you the way they want to: through an on-demand, self-service product experience that leads to far more qualified leads than a demo form does.

An Example Of How Expensive The Traditional Sales Process Has Become



1. Demand Generation

You spend a fortune getting driving traffic to your website in hopes of generating leads. Your web visitors want to see your product, but the only option you provide is through a "Request a demo" form. Unfortunately, 90% of visitors abandon your form, creating massive lead leakage that drastically increases your cost per lead.

This negatively impacts your growth and your operating costs.

34% Of buyers access portals at night or on weekends (1080 x 800 px) (7)

2. Qualification Calls

10% of your visitors made it through your request a demo form. Now, they want to see the product in action. But wait - your process is to first schedule a discovery call to qualify them.

 Because you're putting them through your rigid process, when all they want to do is see your product, the buyer's engagement and interest weakens.

34% Of buyers access portals at night or on weekends (1080 x 800 px) (6)

3. Product Demonstration

After weeks of qualifying buyers, they can finally see the product in action. Unfortunately, your process requires face to face demos, which take months of scheduling to involve the correct people.

You've spent significant time and resources pushing buyers through your linear process, when all the buyer wanted is a high level introduction to your product (which could've been accomplished on day one, at a fraction of the cost).

34% Of buyers access portals at night or on weekends (1080 x 800 px) (5)

The Result

Forcing buyers through your non-flexible, linear sales process results in a low number of opportunities and a staggeringly high cost per lead.

Okay, The Traditional Strategy Won't Cut It. Now What?

Great question. Contrast your linear process with a flexible, buyer-centric approach. Click on the link below to understand Omedym's product right now, while your interest is high. 

Leverage An Efficient, Buyer-Centric Approach To Revenue Growth

Omedym helps you significantly decrease your customer acquisition cost while improving your buyer's experience and increasing revenue.

Lower cost per lead by providing buyers an on-demand product experience.

Seeing is believing. Rather than gating your product content, allow 100% of your web traffic to see your product in action whenever and wherever they want to.

Omedym helps you skyrocket your engagement with prospects, let them self-qualify, and convert web traffic into pipeline at a much higher rate.

34% Of buyers access portals at night or on weekends (20)

34% Of buyers access portals at night or on weekends (21)

Reduce customer acquisition cost by replacing live meetings with digital engagements.

Live meetings take weeks of scheduling just to share simple information with buyers. Omedym lets buyers easily find the information they need to progress down the buying cycle within seconds, helping you save time and lower acquisition cost.

Results Our Customers See

$Millions Saved

Over A Year's Worth Of Meetings

Significant Reduction In Acquisition Cost

Lower Customer Acquisition Cost And Increase Revenue With A Buyer-Centric Approach.